Tuesday, May 18, 2010

pre-wedding long distance planning entry 1

This morning I woke up with very congested nose and half-deaf left ear. It feels like I'm inside an airplane and the only difference is that when the plane lands I will still be on my bed. As my daily routine goes, I call N to wake him up pretty much. We live in different states and a time zone apart so every now and then I try not to call him at 6 in the morning (4 am his time) or I suffer talking to a groggy zombie or a drunken sailor. Lately our favorite or shall I say the only topic of our conversation revolves on our upcoming wedding and by upcoming I mean a year from now. And the stress started again.

Originally, in my own dream world, my wedding would simple, hassle-free, go in-go out kinda thing court wedding. Just me and my groom, the judge and one witness. And then there's our families. When you're the eldest and first to marry among your brood or the eldest and the last one to marry, then I guess some selfishness are needed to be set aside. Since N and I both reside in the US, we thought about having the wedding here for practical purposes. After talking to both of our parents, they said they were fine with it but with some reservations. Of course, many won't be able to attend, too far, blah blah blah. Few weeks later, we caved in and told them we'll just have it in the Philippines instead. Lo and behold, the next day my mom-in-law to be was already in Tagaytay hunting for church venues. Not too excited, huh?

At this point in my life when I'm ready to be selfless and give in to other people, I have come to accept that part of my wedding, if not a big part of it is for our families. I still get to choose my own wedding dress but I couldn't care less what decorations they put in the reception venue as long as the flowers are not 'lanta' (withered) or which church they pick (as long as it's not too big for 100 guests) or which guests our parents prefer to invite (as long as they're not politicians and such according to N). So much for giving in. Some things I just have to let go or I'll be stressed and congested and sick every single day.

Tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully it will be a better one.

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